Tempo for iPhone Adopts Mailbox-like Reservation System Due to High Demand
Tuesday, February 19, 2013 at 10:00PM
Gustavo Franceschini in App, Mailbox, News, Tempo Smart Calendar, iOS, iPhone

Calendar app Tempo has been updated to address an issue where no new users could sign in to use the service. The app has now has implemented a similar reservation system that that Mailbox iPhone email app implemented upon launch.

Contrary to Mailbox, since I got into the reservation system, I haven't moved one spot. Since the app grabbed so much attention last week, I haven't been able to get in and thought the new reservation system could improve things.

Sadly, getting into using the app has been a real problem and hope I can get to use it soon. In the meantime, I use Sunrise Calendar, which was released earlier today.

Article originally appeared on The iOS Post - All Things iOS and the Apple World (https://theiospost.com/).
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