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Entries in iPhone (2146)


Twitterrific 5 for iOS Updated with Readability and Droplr Support

Twitter client Twitterrific 5 for the iPhone and iPad was updated today. The update brings new options for bookmarking and image upload. The update also brings improvements and fixes for the overall performance.

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SoundCloud for iOS Gets Google+ Sign In and Sharing

SoundCloud for iOS has been updated today to add Google+ sign in and sharing options. The update also brings back the AirPlay icon in the player.

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Flipboard for iOS Update Brings New Profile Pages, Improvements and Enhancements

Social magazine app Flipboard was updated early today. The update brings improvements and enhancements to magazines and Google Reader, now lets you save images, and brings new profile pages.

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Olloclip Announces the Quick-Flip Case for the iPhone 5 and 4/4S; Available for Pre-order

Olloclip announced that their new Quick-Flip case is available for pre-order. The case from the makers of the 3 in 1 lens for the iPhone, Olloclip, created a case that serves as an accessory that ties in photographic accessories such as tripods, video lights, microphones, etc.

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Amazon Releases Cloud Drive Photos iPhone App

Amazon released today a standalone Cloud Drive Photos app for the iPhone. The app lets users use Amazon's Cloud Drive to store photos right from the iPhone and view those uploaded from any other device. Amaozn provides 5GB of free storage for drive, more storage is available for purchase.

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Evernote Food for iOS Updated with More Recipes, Enhancements

Evernote updated its Food iOS app with new features and enhancements. With this latest update the app works as a hands-free cooking companion, brings more recipes, and more.

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Zeebox for iPhone and iPad Updated with Enhancements

Second screen iOS app Zeebox has been updated today. The update brings enhancements, improved privacy settings and new tags to help you get to the fresh content quicker.

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Netflix for iOS Now Plays Next TV Episode Automatically, Shows Recommendations at the End of Movies

Netflix updated its iOS app today with an important feature called "Post-play". The feature goes allows the next episode of a TV show to be play automatically when the current one ends. Similarly, post-play shows recommendations at the end of the movie currently being watched.

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Facebook App "Bang with Friends" Comes to the iPhone

Controversial Facebook app "Bang with Friends" has made it to the App Store [iTunes Link]. This iPhone app is designed to, well to help users do exactly what the name implies, withou the need to use it right from Facebook, although it requires to login with Facebook.

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Dots is the Latest Addictive Game for the iPhone, and My New Favorite One

Betaworks released last week the latest addictive game for the iPhone, Dots. These kind of games are often casual and the tasks at hands are very simple. Dots fits this description with a clean interface and easy gameplay.

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