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Tip: How to Fix Mac App Store "Hash Mismatch" Error

This error is found when updating apps through the Mac App Store. The first symptom is that an app starts to download and it is stuck in a loop (status bar fills up, empties, and tries again). After that, the Mac App Store displays a message saying "Error Hash Mismatch".

Closing an reopening the Mac App Store won't help. Below is an easy solution.

  • Download App Cleaner- I highly recommend this app, which basically removes apps to the Trash, but it removes all contents related to it, so nothing is left behind.
  • Open App Cleaner.
  • Drag and drop the app that wouldn't update in the Mac App Store.
  • Click delete. Go to the Trash and delete again.
  • Open the Mac App Store.
  • Go to the Purchased tab.
  • Look for the app you just deleted.
  • Install.

That's it. Now the app will install its latest version.

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