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Apple to Open 7 Offices in Latin America Starting in 2012

In recent days rumors have been strong stating that Apple is getting ready to open its iTunes Music Store in Latin America. Recently the rumors state that Brazil is one of those countries along with Colombia.

Recent speculation puts Apple opening its iTunes Music Store in some Latin America countries a soon as December 8. Rumors even tied it to an Apple TV launch which itself would mean that the Movie Store would open too. 

This goes well with the fact that Apple has been opening the doors of its Movie Store in some European countries the last couple of months.

Sources close to Apple have revealed to Tecnético that Apple will be opening 7 offices in Latin America starting in 2012. We’ve heard that Chile might be one of these, but it has not been confirmed with those sources.

This kind of strengthens the rumors about the negotiations that are said to be taking place to bring these services to Latin America and that would eventually become a reality.

This could very well be the start of Apple solving the issue of leaving Latin America behind with no official stores (physical) and digital (iTunes), except Puerto Rico (US iTunes Store) and Mexico (iTunes). 

Does this mean that Apple will finally extend their retail stores to the south of the border farther down on the continent?

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