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TweetFire, a Horrible-Looking Twitter Client with Speed (Review)

In this day and age, Twitter clients have to really impress people in order to make them change the ones they are comfortable using everyday. I use to have Twitter for iPhone as my default Twitter client in iOS. Along came TweetBot, which i used a lot but waited until recently to fully change to it when they added native push notifications. 

The latest Twitter client to create a buzz is TweetFire. This is been market as a speedy Twitter client so I decided to give it a try. I must say that TweetFire is fast when loading the timeline, but otherwise is nothing out of the ordinary.

The first thing I notice when I first opened the app is that its UI (User Interface) is horrible. It looks like is not a finished product and has a look similar to Android apps.

The compose window has a sort of status bar on the bottom that starts to fill up with the color green as you type to let you know how much you got left into the 140 character limit. Not only that bar looks bad there, you have a counter showing the number of characters left which renders the bar completely useless as to why is there. There is nothing more on the compose window other than a button to add pictures and a settings button that does something pretty stupid.

This button gives you the option of finishing composing the tweet in the Twitter for iPhone app. Here is where I got lost. You spend time writing an app where people can see and write their tweets and you give an option within the app that allows users to continue composing their tweets in the official Twitter app? Why even bother to write the app in the first place?

The app also has a sort of "home", a place to add your favorite tihings and those users that you frequently follow.

The app for me shouldn't even exist but nonetheless is there. Is free and available in the App Store [iTunes Link].

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