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Polkast Releases Polkast Music for iPhone; Take Your Music Everywhere

Want a cheap alternative to iTunes Match? Well the people at Polkast have something for you. Polkast is known for their cloud solution for the files on your computer. But what about your music?

Polkast Music | Image: Polkast

Polkast released Polkast Music so you can take your music collection everywhere, without having to sync with iTunes or paying for an iTunes Match subscription.

It works with the Polkast app for Mac and Windows, which is integrated with iTunes.

You can:

  • Play any playlist, album or song stored on your computer without device storage limits.
  • Create new playlists on the go choosing from any song in your music collection.
  • Shuffle through playlist, artist, album or your entire collection of songs -- rediscover old favorites! 
  • Listen offline as smart caching dynamically manages local storage.

Polkast Music | Image: Polkast

Polkast Music is available for $0.99 in the App Store [iTunes Link]

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