Awesomize Your Photos with SmugMug's Camera Awesome iPhone App
By Gustavo Franceschini | Wednesday, February 29, 2012 at 11:18AM
SmugMug has release an iPhone app that helps iPhone users awesomize their photos. With great effects and edits, you can easily create great photos that for sure will caught the attention of many people.
It features:
- 1-Tap and 0-Tap Sharing - Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, SmugMug, Picasa, Photobucket and Flickr.
- 1-Tap Awesomize - Touch just once for perfect pictures.
- Professionally designed special effects - From renowned photographer Kevin Kubota.
- Beauty, Brains and Blistering Speed - Gorgeous design that gets out of your way.
- Great Scott! Video Time Travel! - Precording starts before you hit record.
Camera Awesome is free and you can get it in the App Store [iTunes Link].
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