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Prismatic is Your Smart Personal Newsfeed on Your iPhone

Prismatic just launched its iPhone app betting on giving you all news around your personal interests. The app lets you select your interests, locations and it will allow you to select publishers.

It features:

  • Personal Newsfeed: We use every available signal to understand your interests and craft the most personalized experience possible. We balance among all your interests, so you see a smart mix of what you like along with new stuff that you wouldn’t find otherwise. 
  • Unlimited Exploration: Prismatic is designed to help you branch out from what you’re already seeing. Discover new niche interests by tapping on interest links, or by exploring from the main menu
  • Effortless Sharing: It’s easy to share stories and interests with your friends, or find things to do in your local newsfeed
  • Gestures and interactions to maximize content real estate

 The app is free and available in the App Store [iTunes Link].

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