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Instagram Removes Option to Disable Auto-Play from Videos with Yesterday's iPhone App Update

Instagram updated its iPhone app yesterday to bring new sound and data usage controls for playing videos on Instagram. But the update did removed a setting related to videos that gave the option to stop the app from auto-playing videos on the feed.

I started to notice immediately when I started seeing videos playing automatically on my feed and when I went to settings, the auto-playing setting on videos wasn't there. This is was sort of expected as Instagram prepares to and to prevent users for not seeing those video ads, the app will play them automatically.

Personally I don't care about apps, services like Instagram have to find a way to generate revenue. Although I don't like videos playing automatically, at least I have the option to set them to start playing without sound.

What do you think about this move from Instagram? What do you think about ads on the Feed? 

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