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Mail Enhancer Pro 2.0 Available in Cydia [Jailbreak]

Jailbreakers have a great option to tweaked around Apple's Mail app. A long time ago, when I had my iPhone 4 jailbroken, I used Mail Enhancer to bring some features that the Mail app was missing. Nowadays I use Sparrow as my Mail app, but Mail Enhancer continues to be a great tweak for jailbreakers. 

Version 2.0 brings some great new features:

  • Added: iOS 6.x support
  • Added: Dropbox Settings-Backup & Restore
  • Added: Option to let rules “watch for changes” of your mails
  • Fixed: Address book Rule Condition
  • Fixed: Swipe action “move message” not showing a cancel button on iPad
  • Changed: Rules can now trigger for incoming messages that are unread
  • Changed: Rule Colorize now supports Body-Conditions

Mail Enhancer Pro 2.0 is available for $4.99 in Cydia.

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