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Twitter #Music Available Now for the iPhone

Twitter finally released their much rumored Twitter #Music app for the iPhone only. The service was designed to help users discover new songs and make it easy to share to Twitter. Twitter #Music uses tweets to detect popular tracks and artists to recommend to people.

The songs from the app come from Spotify, Rdio and iTunes. You can listen to previews from iTunes by default and subscribers to Rdio and Spotify can login to their accounts to listen to those songs on their respective catalogs.

The app also makes it easy to follow artists as it puts them front and center. You can listen to your favorite artist's song and with a few taps see their profiles and follow them. You can also see who their follow and listen to their music too.

Twitter #Music is available for free for the iPhone only in the App Store [iTunes Link] right now. If you don't have an iPhone, you can access the service via .

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