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Action Movie FX for iOS Updated with New Star Trek Into Darkness Pack

Action Movie FX for iOS has been updated today to get users ready for the Star Trek Into Darkness movie, which will hit theaters on May 17. The update brings 5 new effects, 3 for free, that include models and assets from the actual film.

Included in the update:

  • Transporter, Warp!, Phaser Fight, Enterprise Flyby & Photon Torpedoes (free to unlock!)
  • 100% of Bad Robot's proceeds from the STAR TREK PACK (TRANSPORTER & WARP!) will be donated to support post-9/11 veterans. See the app to learn more
  • Free, one-step update to HD of all previously purchased FX
  • iPhone features added include the iPad's re-size and placement controls

Action Movie FX for iOS is available for free as a universal app (iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch) in the App Store [iTunes Link].

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