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Apple Announces that Apps Can Now Be Transferred from One Developer to Another

Apple announced yesterday to developers that apps can now be transferred form one developer to another. Why would you want to do that? Typical scenario is that one company or developer gets acquired and would like to publish the apps under the new company's dev account.

Transfers do not affect the current state of the app, meaning ratings, availability, reviews, etc. In order to transfer apps, developers need to make sure:

  • Your account is active
  • You have accepted the most current version of your contracts
  • Your app has at least one approved version
  • Your app is in the Ready for Sale, Invalid Binary, Rejected, Developer Rejected, or Developer Removed from Sale state
  • Any associated In-App Purchases are in the Ready to Submit, Ready for Sale, Rejected, Developer Removed from Sale, or Approved state
  • You know the Apple ID of the recipient’s Team Agent and their Team ID

If developers need to transfer apps, they can do so by going to "Manage Your Applications" section on iTunes Connect.

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