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Airmail for Mac Updated with a Bunch of New Features, Fixes and Improvements

Mail client for the Mac Airmail has been updated today. The update brings a big number of new features, fixes and improvements that is hard to overlook.

Included in the update:

  • New - Send again
  • New - Delayed Send
  • New - CloudApp Attachments Support
  • New - Droplr Attachment Support
  • New - Google Drive Attachment Support
  • New - Menu Bar Icon
  • New - Paste plain text
  • New - Key 0 disable all filters
  • New - Localization in 19 languages (Thanks to our supporters around the world)
  • New - Preference to disable Table animation
  • New - Preference to disable Dock icon Balloon
  • New - Preference For signature above or below the quote
  • New - Preference to disable GPU to save battery usage.
  • New - Preference to act as Gmail for some undetected Gmail/Google Apps Accounts
  • New - Preference Use only System contacts
  • New - Open Directory contact search
  • New - Subfolders creation
  • Fixed - QuickReply in Text Only
  • Fixed - Sync of unread archived messages on mobile
  • Fixed - Kernel Panic on MacBook Pro 2010 (6,2)
  • Fixed - Glitch in pull to refresh
  • Fixed - Glitch in Message search
  • Fixed - Empty trash
  • Fixed - Body fetches
  • Fixed - Folder Mappings 
  • Fixed - LTR shortcut
  • Fixed - Search on message in open view
  • Improvements - First synch progression is now logged on the events log
  • Improvements - New Option D in quick reply
  • Improvements - Drag attachments to services icons
  • Improvements - Send and archive speed
  • Improvements - Company addresses in search search.
  • Improvements - Load time
  • Improvements - The Search view now displays threads
  • Improvements - Save draft
  • Improvements - Minor layouts changes
  • Improvements - Hide/Show App shortcut
  • Improvements - Delete Key/Backspace have now same behavior
  • Improvements - Quick Reply text only
  • Improvements - Shortcuts Quick Reply
  • Many other small issue and crash fixed

Airmail is available for $1.99 in the Mac App Store [Link].

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