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Generate Random Passwords with Siri from Your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch

In a world where security problems at internet companies are that common, we have to take precautions when creating and using passwords. I personally use apps such as 1Password to do so, but for those like me that didn't know, Siri can help with this task. But Siri just doesn't help create password, it creates random ones, which tend to be more secure.

As the folks at OS X Daily very well explained on a post, creating a password using Siri is very simple. Just summon Siri by tapping and holding the "home button" and say "Random Password". you will see some results that give you responses of alphanumeric mix cap of 8 characters. 

You get multiple results and as you scroll down you will find different types of passwords that go from numerical to different types of case sensitive and insensitive.

If you really want a true strong random password you will need more characters. You can tell Siri how many you want. In this case you can tell Siri "Random password 12 characters", you can replace the number with any number you want. 

Go ahead try it out for yourself. Remember Siri is available in the iPhone 4S and up; iPad 3rd Generation and up, iPad mini, and iPod Touch 5th Generation.

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