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« Tempo iPhone Calendar App Updated with Mailbox App Support, iOS 7 Beta Support, More | Main | Official Pacific Rim Game for the iPhone and iPad Hits The App Store »
Jul112013 Releases Its Calendar iPhone App is known for its great to-do iPhone and Android app, but today it has entered the calendar arena with Cal. The app was announced a while ago and was on beta stage and today makes it to the public with a beautiful design, integration with maps, photos of your contacts, notes and reminders.

The app features:

  • Each day is celebrated with a fresh & gorgeous photo.
  • Your events will come to life beautifully with maps, photos of your contacts, notes & reminders.
  • It's always someone's birthday. Write on your friends wall, call, or send them a message.
  • Planning is simple. By connecting with Any.DO you can check out your tasks for each day.
  • Create smarter events - Cal recognize who you want to invite & where to right from the title.
  • Finding the best spot - Easily find restaurants & bars nearby for your events.
  • Easy to navigate - Simply jump to a specific date from the month view.'s Cal is available for free in the App Store [iTunes Link].

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