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Camera+ for iPhone and iPad Updated with New Effects Pack, Now Lets You Combine Effects, More

Popular iOS camera app Camera+ has been updated. Version 3.9 for the iPhone and 1.4 for the iPad brings the option to combine any number of effects, brings a new effects pack and many improvements and fixes.

Included in the update:

  • Now you can easily combine any number of Camera+’s effects to create some cool, new looks. Mix, match, and blend until you get the perfect combination. You’re limited only by your creativity. It took us three major attempts (and countless smaller iterations) to get effects layering to feel just right and intuitive on the smaller surface of the iPhone. We’ve come up with a pretty neat UI to accomplish it and we’re confident that you’re going to be pleased with the end result.
  • Hollywood Effects Pack - It’s been quite a while since we’ve released a new effects pack for Camera+. Over 2½ years, actually. Well, we’ve got a real treat for you in this new version! Introducing the Hollywood Effects Pack… 9 stunning new effects and borders inspired by your favorite movies and TV shows. Here’s the list of the effects included in this new pack: Neo, Action, Enterprise, Amélie, Dreamstate, Madison Ave, Home Movie, Gotham, Silent Movie. And here’s the new border list: Poster, DVD, VHS, Letterbox, HDTV, CRT, Super 8, 16 mm, Super 35
  • In keeping with the theme of the Hollywood Effects Pack, we’ve added a couple of new widescreen cinematic crops… 1.85:1 and 2.39:1. Now you can crop your pics to feel just like they belong on the big screen. Only chumps and sucka MCs limit their crops to just squares. 
  • Camera+ now utilizes your Facebook account if you have it setup in iOS settings, making for quick and easy setup within Camera+.
  • Using Camera+ on that weird, new iPod touch that only has a front-facing camera would rip a tiny hole in the space-time continuum, teleporting the user into a parallel universe where they became an Android user. We’re deeply, deeply sorry. In any case, that’s now fixed in this version.
  • We’ve made a few small usability improvements that should make Camera+ feel just a bit more intuitive to use.
  • If you’ve purchased any effects packs in Camera+ and have multiple devices with iCloud turned-on, your purchases will now conveniently be synced for you. It’s a very welcome improvement over the whole “restore purchases” rigmarole.
  • We have added the native Brazilian Portuguese and we’re willing to wager that Camera+ tanks in the rankings in Brazil.

Camera+ for iPhone and iPad are each available separately for $0.99 in the App Store. 

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