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« Fantastical for iPhone Updated with Various Fixes and Improvements | Main | Mailbox for iPhone and iPad Updated with Dropbox Integration »

Path for iOS Updated with iPad Redesign, New Stickers

Private social network Path updated its iPhone and iPad app with new features today. The update brings and interface redesign to the iPad version, as well as new features for adding friends, new stickers, more.

Included in the update:

  • Stickers in Comments: More stickers in more places! Respond quickly to any moment in the Feed with the same stickers you use for Messaging
  • New iPad Interface: Improved navigation in both landscape and profile views means you’ll never miss the opportunity to create a moment or respond to a message
  • Friend Progress Bar: Path is better with friends and this progress bar will help you fill your feed with stories from the people you love
  • In Person Friend Requests: It’s now even easier to send friend requests to people you’re hanging out with. Use a simple QR code to get connected in person
  • Updated Friends List: Find your friends and send them messages faster with a cleaner, simpler Friends List.
  • New Stickers: Happy Hour: Pick your poison and throw one back. It's five o'clock somewhere, and Xander: Drool, poor posture, and aggressive pursuit have just never been his thing. Xander's polite, approachable, fun-loving (and single!)

Path for iOS is available for free as a universal app (iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch) in the App Store [iTunes Link].

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