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Apps for Math

For those that didn't know the App Store is rich with apps related to education. For some one of the most requested apps for college students will definitely be the math ones. Now you can study and review them on the go without the need of carrying those heavy text books around all day. Here is a short list of them and their features:

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Apple Bumper Case Reviewed

Last week I received the Apple Bumper case for free via the iPhone 4 Case Program. Although is a black Bumper case I was surprised of how good it looked on the iPhone. It conceals the actual squared shaped of the new iPhone, which leads to believe is the one that concealed the Gizmodo iPhone that was leaked. It covers the entire border of the structure and leaves the back and front of the iPhone 4 uncovered.

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LED Flashlight Apps for iPhone 4

Since the opening of the App Store there has been apps that enabled the iPhone to work as a flashlight. Mostly they presented a bright white screen that made possible to see at a short distance in dark places. Now with the new LED flash in the iPhone 4, flashlight apps have evolved from white screens to using the LED flash to guide the user's way on the dark. Some have evolved to add the LED flash functionality but has not taken out the screen option.

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Wozniak To Cameo in Big Bang Theory

Well this rumor has been around for quite sometime. But it is confirmed. Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak will appear on the CBS show Big Bang Theory. The show is a about a group of nerds that love science, video games and comics and how their interact with the rest of the world in the everyday. As Mashable reports The Woz confirmed the rumor when he posted a status on his Facebook page saying "What’s it like to film an episode of Big Bang Theory? I’ll let you know tonight, but not what the episode is about."

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iTavo Blog Apps [Wunder Radio]

This post is one in a series of post about iTavo Blog apps, apps that are in my iPhone and used the most, besides Facebook and Twitter for iPhone which are obvious choices. Feel free to comment and suggests your own apps.

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The Check-in Apps Future: Content

We have been seeing for some time now apps that people use to check-in at places. Why they do it? Well for instance you let people know where you are, you can learn who else is at that place and /or discover new places to go to. Some of these apps that we already talk about are Foursquare and GoWalla, the last one been my favorite. Now these check-in trend is slowly but surely making a transition to more of a content driven check-ins. These check-ins are related to what people are watching on their tv's or at the movies, some are related to what are you reading, what music are you listening, etc. Here are some examples:

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Hootsuite Goes Freemium

Our friends from Hootsuite, the desktop and iPhone application to managed multiple social networks, send us some info of their new freemium and premium services that they rolled out this Wednesday. At least for now, new users will have to choose a package. Hootsuite CEO, Ryan Holmes stated:

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iTavo Blog Apps [Stitcher Radio]

(8) Stitcher Radio- This is actually one of the first app I downloaded when I had my first iPhone for the first time. I love to listen to podcasts but I didn't have much time to browse, so I've downloaded Stitcher to discover new podcasts to listen to. Since I'm a tech geek and an Apple guy I browse the tech podcasts and found some about Mac and iPhone (MacBreak Weekly) which I love, props to Leo Laporte and the guys in TWIT for the great job they do, (Mac Os Ken) Ken's amazing short, yet informative daily podcast on everything Apple. But what is Stitcher?

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Camera+ Removed From the App Store

A couple of days ago we reviewed here the app Camera+ which is one of our top apps on our iPhones. They updated recently to their latest version and with it a hidden feature. If you go to Safari on your iPhone type "camplus://enablevolumesnap" and the app will allow you to take pictures with the volume controls. To disable this type “camplus://disablevolumesnap” in Safari and you will take the app back to it's original state. We know that hidden tricks do not sit well with Apple. Once the makers of Camera+, tap tap tap revealed this hidden trick via Twitter, the app didn't sit much more time in the App Store. The app was removed sometime during the midnight and early morning.

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Radio Shack to Offer Discounts Through Foursquare Check-In

Starting today and through September 8, customers that come within 200 meters of a Radio Shack store and checks in with their Foursquare app will receive a message that will have to present to a store associate. This will give the customer a %10 discount on selected products. A radio Shack Foursquare Mayor (a user that has checked in the most at a certain location) will receive a %20 discount. This is one of the many offers that you can find through location-based applications.

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