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SoundTracking Updated with Redesign, iPhone 5 Support

Music discovery iPhone app SoundTracking has been updated to version 3.0 today. The app has been redesigned, now sports iPhone 5 support and much more.

Included in the update:

  • Works great on the iPhone 5
  • New visual music timeline feed with high-resolution images and play buttons
  • New, fast fly-out buttons for quick tagging and sharing
  • New instant search feature for finding your favorite songs
  • Dedicate a song to a friend or tag friends in music moments
  • New "Like" and "Love" emoticons for song reactions
  • New in-app notification widget lets you know about follows, likes, loves, comments and song dedications.
  • Discover and follow people who love the same songs as you
  • Discover what's trending nearby in your neighborhood or city
  • New user profiles displaying your custom cover image, personal music timeline, most popular posts, and favorites.
  • New Verified SoundTracker accounts for DJs, artists, and celebrity users
  • Speed and performance enhancements in every aspect of the app

SoundTracking is available for free in the App Store [iTunes Link].

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