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#NoCrop for iPhone Lets Your Share Photos to Instagram in their Full Size 

Have you ever found yourself wanting to share a photo from your iPhone on Instagram but you can't share the entire photo because the app only takes photos at a certain size? Well, don't trouble yourself anymore, #NoCrop can help.

The app lets you choose the photo you wish to share from your albums and then you press to send to open that photo on Instagram. It takes that photo you selected and places it a little bit smaller and fills the sides with a white space, matching the proper size to share on Instagram.

The app also allows you to share your photo to Facebook, Instagram, email and it also lets you save it to your camera roll.

#NoCrop is available for free in the App Store [iTunes Link]. An in-app purchase of $0.99 allows you to remove your ads, which are very intrusive at times.

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