MessageBox Brings Facebook's Chat Heads Systemwide to iOS

Facebook released Facebook Home for Android devices a couple of weeks ago. Essentially, Home is a launcher that changes the look the device sports and adds different features. Among these features are Chat Heads, which allow you to quickly reply or send messages from wherever you are on your device. This is available through Facebook's iOS app, but it can work as it does on Android due to the restrictions in place for accessing iOS resources.
Only through jailbreak it can be done and today, developer Adam Bell released MessageBox, which brings Chat Heads to iOS systemwide. The tweak is available through Github and Bell suggests that you read the Readme document before installing the tweak. Of course it is available for jailbroken devices and it has its share of bugs, so you've been warned. Also it is installed through Ssh or iFile, again, read before installing.
If you try it out let us know what you think.

As off this time, developer Adam Bell posted on Twitter that MessageBox is available on Cydia in the Big Box Repository, which makes ot easier to install.
Oh, looks like Message Box is live in the BigBoss repo! Set your Facebook Chat Heads free! Go get it :D
— Adam Bell (@b3ll)

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