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Google Reader Client Reeder Adds Feedbin Support to the iPhone Version

Popular iPhone Google Reader client, and my favorite, has been updated today. The update adds the first third party sync service that will serve as an alternative to the Google Reader service that is set to be shut down in July of this year.

Included in the update:

  • Feedbin - First third-party sync service as an alternative to Google Reader, see for more info.
  • Local/standalone RSS support - You now can use Reeder as a standalone reader, no syncing.
  • New Pull-to-refresh feature
  • Various bug fixes

Reeder is set to be updated to the next major versions on the iPad and Mac very soon before Google Reader shuts down; in the meantime you can grab them for free. Reeder for iPhone is currently available for $2.99 in the App Store [iTunes Link].

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