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Square Register for iOS Gets Item Library, Kitchen Tickets, Barcode Scanning, More

Square updated its Register app for iOS today. The update brings numerous features to the iPhione and iPad versions. The iPad version gets interesting new ones like barcode scanning and kitchen tickets, while the iPhone version get item library, custom tipping, and more.

Included in the update:

New on iPhone:

  • Item library: Add items to a sale with a tap. Build your item library to simplify and speed up checkout. Customize items with photos, names, and prices.
  • Smarter payment pad: Add multiple custom amounts to a sale, add notes to each amount, and view or edit all amounts in one place before charging.
  • Custom Tipping: Allow customers to enter custom tip amounts.
  • New look: Ring up customers and edit settings more easily than ever with an all-new design.

New on iPad:

  • Easy order modifiers: Customize orders at the counter and send them to your kitchen while your line keeps moving.
  • Customizable kitchen tickets: Include a custom name or number on each kitchen ticket.
  • Barcode scanning: Sync your Bluetooth barcode scanner with Square Register to speed up your checkout.

Square Register is available for free as a universal app (iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch) in the App Store [iTunes Link].

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