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Angry Birds Friends Now Available for the iPhone and iPad

Because there are never enough Angry Birds games, Rovio released their social take on the franchise called Angry Birds Friends. The new free game lets you challenge your Facebook friends to see who can get the bronze, silver and gold trophies. The game syncs with the Facebook game and you can get rewards, gifts, etc.

The game features:

  • Tournaments with new levels every week
  • Challenge your Facebook friends for bronze, silver, and gold trophies
  • Brag, send gifts, and invite your Facebook friends to play
  • Four classic power-ups, plus one exclusive to Angry Birds Friends on mobile
  • Daily rewards
  • Free bird-coins just for completing the tutorial
  • Syncs automatically with your game on Facebook

You can get Angry Birds Friends free as a universal app (iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch) in the App Store [iTunes Link].

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