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Evomail is a Sleek and Easy-to-use Mail App for the iPad

The search for a suitable iPad email app might be over with the release of Evomail. The email app brings a sleek user interface and it's very easy to use it. The app brings support for Gmail accounts and brings all the elements of the email service and adds social network support for sharing emails. 

The app features:

  • Quick access to archive, trash, and labels gives you the ability to quickly triage your email throughout the day as it comes in, instead of having to wait until you're back at your desktop.
  • In the car and forgot to write down an address? Use Evomail's built-in "full" Gmail search to quickly search all of your email in Gmail.
  • Get an email that you just can't stop laughing about? Publicly share it on Twitter, Facebook or anywhere on the web!
  • Are you one of those people that has to know when a new message comes in? Never miss a message with built-in push notifications.
  • Someone replied to an email from awhile back? View the entire history of your conversation, not just the most recent message or two.

Evomail is availble for the iPad for $2.99 in the App Store [iTunes Link]. The team behind the app are working on an iPhone version that looks very good by itself.

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