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Bondsy for iPhone Makes It Easy to Trade Anything with Friends

Sometimes we need to sell some stuff to make some moeny, but some times we wish we could just trade for a service, another product or more. Bondsy is a newly released iPhone app that does just that. With Bondsy you can offer products like gadgets, books, or perishable items like concert tickets, gift cards, or maybe opportunities like jobs, roommate, handmade goods, skills like guitar lessons, and more to get what you want from your friends.

The app features:

  • Friends only - You are more comfortable transacting with friends. And, you’re more likely to trust their friends than strangers. It’s important to highlight: everything is private on Bondsy
  • Snap a photo, write a story, add pricetags - Pricetags are freeform, so you can ask for anything in return. When you want something, tap ‘Grab’ and make an offer
  • We power each other - When you like something but you don’t need it, you have a chance to help your friend by sharing with someone who might be interested

Bondsy is available for free in the App Store [iTunes Link].

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