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Entries in Tempo Smart Calendar (6)


Tempo Smart Calendar iPhone App Updated with Company Cards, Birthday Gifts, More

Tempo Calendar app for the iPhone got updated today. The update brings a new Company card, as well as birthday gifts, iOS 7 beta support, and more.

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Tempo iPhone Calendar App Updated with Mailbox App Support, iOS 7 Beta Support, More

Smart calendar iPhone app Tempo received an update today that brings, among other things, iOS 7 beta support and Mailbox support. The update also brings design improvements, improved alerts, and more.

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Tempo Calendar iPhone App Updated with Gmail App Support, Invitations, Event Sharing, More 

Calendar iPhone app Tempo has been updated to improve its performance and bring new features. Among these new features are attendee invitations, support for Google's Gmail app and event sharing.

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Tempo updated its iPhone app and now it is opened to al users without their reservation system. The update also lets you add up to 3 email accounts.


Tempo Smart Calendar for iPhone Updated with New Features, Fixes

Smart Calendar iPhone app Tempo has been updated today. The update includes many fixes and new features such as multi-device login.

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Tempo for iPhone Adopts Mailbox-like Reservation System Due to High Demand

Calendar app Tempo has been updated to address an issue where no new users could sign in to use the service. The app has now has implemented a similar reservation system that that Mailbox iPhone email app implemented upon launch.

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