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Entries in Tips (40)


Manage Dropbox, SugarSync, SkyDrive and Other Cloud Services from One Single App [Tips]

It is evident that the cloud is the future. With Microsoft pushing SkyDrive, Google pushing Drive, and Dropbox, Box, SugarSync and many more around, it is easy to loose track of what files you have in each of those services.

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Hate When People You Follow on Twitter Retweet Everything? Don't Panic, Tweetbot Can Now Block their Retweets

We all follow users on Twitter that sadly retweet messages from fake actors or actresses accounts, or the horoscope, etc. all the time. How can we work with that without unfollowing them, but at the same time give us enough peace of mind? Enter Tweetbot, who's latest update for iPhone and iPad give us another helpful tool.

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iCloud 101: Manage your iCloud Storage Right from your iPhone or iPad [Tips]

With iOS 5 came iCloud, the cloud storage solution for Apple's iOS and Mac related apps. With iCloud is possible to sync the music, videos, and apps users bought from iTunes to iOS devices. They can also sync documents from apps that have integrated with iCloud. But iCloud also serves as a backup solution for iOS devices.

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Share Twitter Conversations Easily to Storify Using Tweetbot on Your iPhone or iPad [Tips]

Tweetbot continues to differentiate itself from Twitter's official iPhone and iPad app by integrating with multiple services. Tweetbot is currently integrated with Apple's iCloud sync service, Pocket (a.k.a. Read It Later), multiple photo upload services, and now with Droplr and Storify.

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Replace the Back Panel of your iPhone 4/4S with this Cool Transparent Panel

Want to do a modification on your iPhone to make it look cool, different, but that you can do it yourself and that is cheap? Take a look at this mod we did to an iPhone 4. 

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Tip: How to Show the Dock on Full Screen Apps on Mac OS X Lion

This is an easy to do tip. If you asked yourself how you can show the dock whenever you are on full-screen mode on Mac OS X then here's how to do it.

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Problems Updating to iOS 5.0.1? Here's What You Can Do

With iOS 5.0.1 Apple introduces Over The Air Updates (OTA), which means that you can now update from your iOS device, without the need of using iTunes. Some people has found problems to do so and here are the possible reasons.

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Tip: How to Hide Some of the Default Apps in iOS 5

With iOS comes a couple of default apps by Apple like Phone, Contacts, calendar, etc that made our life easier.Some of them we don't use, for example YouTube or FaceTime. If we could only hide them to make way for other apps. Wait, there is a way.

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Make Your Mac Look Different from the Rest with a Cool Decal

Ever wanted to have your Mac look different than the rest. Give it a sense of coolness, like a stamp that shows who you are or what you like? Well for years my Mac has been turning heads because of the cool Iron Man decal that I have, which is the one in the image above, and here I tell you where you can get yours.

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Important Tips to Maximize the Use of Your iPhone During a Hurricane

It's been a long long time since the East Coast of the United States has experienced the threat of a natural phenomenon like Hurricane Irene. I have experience many due to living in the Caribbean all my life. By this time I know what all the people threatened by Irene are feeling right now and wish you that the minimum happens and that everybody is safe.

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