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Entries in TV Ads (19)


Apple Releases New iPhone TV Ad Called "Photos Every Day" [Video]

Apple released a new TV ad titled "Photos Every Day" that highlights the iPhone camera. The ad focuses on how we use the iPhone's camera every day to capture everything around us. The new ad is a departure of the previous series of ads that famously feature a white background.

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Here is T-mobile USA's First iPhone TV Ad [Video]

The iPhone 5 has finally arrived on T-mobile USA. With new plans without contracts, attractive pricing, T-mobile will sure get a boost of new customers. Reports of lines outside of T-mobile's stores certainly back that up. And with these comes some advertising from the magenta colored carrier. You can see their first iPhone ad below.

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Apple Airs Two New iPhone Commercials, "Discover" and "Brilliant"

Apple posted two new iPhone ads "Discover" and "Brilliant". The Discover ad features apps such as Starwalk, Yelp and Shazam, while the Brilliant ad features Passbook and the Phillips Hue light app. You can see both ads below.

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Apple Airs New iPad TV Commercial During the Oscars

Apple aired tonight a new iPad TV ad called Hollywood during the Oscars telecast. The ad showcases apps for filmakers and filmakers wanna be.

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Apple Debuts Two New iPad Commercials

Apple debut last night two new iPad commercials. The ads are very similar, they show what you can do with yout iPad and iPad mini with educational apps, iBooks, games and more. One is call Alive and the other is called Together. Interesting detail to note, the hands of the people that use the iPad change throughout the commercial, something we haven't seen before.

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Apple Releases Two New iPhone 5 TV Ads: "Orchestra" and "Turkey"

Apple released tonight two new iPhone 5 TV ads. One of the ads called "Orchestra" shows what the new microphone on the back of the iPhone can do, while the "Turkey" ad shows you how you can use Shared Photostream to share photos with your family during the holidays.

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Apple Airs Two New iPad mini TV Ads [Video]

Apple aired two new iPad mini TV commercials over the weekend. The new ads highlight the use of photos and books on the new iPad mini alongside the original iPad. You can check both ads below.

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Apple Releases iPad Mini Ad "Piano" [Video]

Apple released a new ad about the iPad mini. The ad shows the original iPad been used to play a piano app and later is been joined by the iPad mini in a piano duet. Check the video below to see it for yourself.

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Apple Releases New Ad Showcasing 13-inch MacBook Retina Display [Video]

Apple released a advert highlighting the new 13-inch MacBook Pro with Retina Display. The ad called "Colors", shows how some of the apps look stunning in the Retina Display. Check the video below for yourself.

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Apple Posts Four iPhone 5 TV Commercials, Watch Them Here

Apple posted last night four new TV commercials. Three of these are related to the iPhone 5 (Physics, Cheese, Thumb), while the fourth is related to the new Earpods (Ears). Just push play below to see them.

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